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Tag: conversion optimization

Social Proof to increase conversion

Conversion Booster: Social Proof

Many others cannot be wrong Why uses Social Proof to increase hotel conversion? By all means, we are social creatures. For this reason, humans pay a great deal of attention to the behavior of other people. Consequently, social proof tactics work so well to increase the conversion rate of
Directing Visitors to increase conversion

Conversion Booster: Directing Visitors

Direct visitors toward the hotel booking Directing guests from one step to the other, tunneling guests' experience towards the hotel booking, helps hotels and OTAs to increase the final conversion rate. Indeed is great at directing visitors throughout the booking process. To illustrate how tunneling users works, let's start
Adding Value to increase conversion

Conversion Booster: Adding Value

Increase conversion by Offering more for less Adding value and highlighting it to the visitor is a great way to increase the hotel conversion rate. I’ve been using for more than a decade, booking hotels every now and then. I have my Genius Level 2 status and though I’ve
Extreme Personalization to increase conversion

Conversion Booster: Extreme Personalization

Personalization is a key for Hotel website conversion Personalization is, probably, the most well-known and, at the same time, toughest to implement, approach to increase your hotel website conversion rate. We all know uses personalization for conversion optimization, however not everybody understands to what extent. not just adding
Cognitive Ease to increase conversion

Conversion Booster: Cognitive Ease

Cognitive Ease is the first hotel conversion rate optimization technique uses. Cognitive Ease is a neuromarketing principle that advises simplifying things for users. For example, it suggests making the reservation process as smooth as possible. Therefore it helps visitors in every step, allowing frictionless reservation process and highlighting the
How booking converts

Why converts so high and what hotels can learn from it? Conversion Game It is not a secret that the hospitality market is competitive. Therefore, guests can choose from thousands of hotels and or reserve with a dozen different channels. Did you ever wonder, how became the most successful travel site in history? How does get that high